Tuesday, October 6, 2009

movienight; A Stanley Kubrick film 'A Clockwork Orange'

Without arguing Tokyo, maybe a good alternative towards the upcoming movie night (next week):

A Stanley Kubrick film; A Clockwork Orange

The film’s central moral question, is the definition of “Goodness”. After aversion therapy, Alex behaves like a good member of society, but not by choice. His goodness is involuntary; he has become the titular clockwork orange organic on the outside, mechanical on the inside. In the prison, after witnessing the Technique in action in Alex, the chaplain criticizes it as false, arguing that true goodness must come from within. This leads to the theme of abusing liberties personal, governmental, civil by Alex, the Government, and the Dissidents manipulating him for their political ends. Concording with Kantian ethics, this critically portrays the “conservative” and “liberal” parties as equal, for using Alex as a means to their ends: the writer Frank Alexander a victim of Alex and gang wants revenge against Alex and sees him as a means of definitively turning the populace against the incumbent government and its new régime

Watch the trailer, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the nastiest movies I have ever seen. The way the guy is treated is 'hororoso'. But a great film, I would really want to see it again.

