Monday, September 28, 2009

Hi everybody!

Few days now we are discussing about planning a social event. Considering the fact that we don't know each other very well, a first event would rather be an international dinner where we can all get to know better our colleagues. International dinner means that whoever will cook has to make something traditional from his/her country and if there are people that don't feel like cooking, they can bring drinks. The dinner will take place at Felicity's house on 4th of October, at 19:00. It would be better to have some reactions at this post, so that we will have a list of people coming and foods/drinks.

We found that the dinner idea would help having some fun altogether in a different environment to the orange room. We can discuss in a relaxed way while eating and drinking and sharing our cultural backgrounds!.

See you all at the orange room! Waiting for your reactions as soon as possible.

Felicity and Eri


  1. Because there was a reaction from some students concerning the fact that the Dutch cuisine is not proper for the dinner, there is the suggestion of the "adopted nation" cuisine. So, just choose something that you like to make. The most important thing in the end, is to enjoy our dinner!

  2. I'll make a desert!

    ps. oct 4th is animal day, a good opportunity for a meat free sunday ;)

  3. I will be there and I will think about something traditional dutch that is nice. Mission Impossible.

  4. My Address is Nieuwelaan 46, just next to the Sebastiaanbrug.

  5. Cool! I'll be there. I'll make something Palestinian/Israeli

  6. very nice idea!!! I'll be there as well and maybe I can make a salat or something.
    see you all there!!

  7. Great suggestion, I’ll will make some small ‘tapas’ ..!!!

  8. i'll be there
    i'll make something, don't know yet..

  9. I'll be there and I'll think about something to make...

  10. I'll try to be there....
    dont know yet.
    I'll bring wine,
    so you all miss me when the wine isnt there :)

  11. i will also come, but don t know what i ll make either.. I think of sthing!
