Thursday, September 17, 2009

Explorations in the Fall

You have all received some '' spam which invites you to give your possible dates for the big EXPLORATION # 9. Potential dates are from 11 - 16 october, 18 - 23 october, 25 - 30 october. After our meeting today we decided that the trip will be a series of explorative workshops in a journey (probably by borrowed cars!). This will mean we will stay within a certain radius of Delft. (A more faraway exploratory trip to Cyprus will be organized separately by Orcun, probably in November). In order to have a wide range of workshops, each day (and night) will be organized by a different group of people. These people will have to arrange transport, accommodation and workshop material within a budget of 30 euros per day. Our destinations are surprises.

Day 1 may have a theme of enclosure. (Toon and Benny have ideas for a jail in Veenhuizen, a visit to Westerbork or a monastery).

Day 2 may be themed around sensual perceptions. (Mike has some ideas for spending a day with the blind in undefined location).

Day 3 may be set in a more natural environment. (Erik and Joeri are interested to explore an activity involving local materials).

Day 4 may be exploring the urban. (Laura and Natalia will start exploring the topic).

Day 5 may involve an interchange with the university of Eindhoven, the Design Academy and the Dutch Design Week. (ask Eva!).

Of course everyone is welcome and very much invited to join any of the 'teams' that will be organizing the separate days. BLOG!
We will start the exploration excursion on a Sunday night from Delft and end ... in a surprising environment! The excursion group


  1. I was wondering if it would be purposeful to have an additional option for the beggining of November. E.g. 31st October-6th of November

  2. In case of the enclosure group: could we do a weekend retreat in a monastery?? There are some places where this is possible in the Netherlands. I can help organizing this if there are people who are interested. It can be a nice counter-activity towards the prison activity. (We could also discuss a very interesting text by Robin Evans called: 'The Rights of Retreat and the Rights of Exclusion.')
