Thursday, September 3, 2009

workshop proposal: Creative Facilitation

Workshop proposal_Creative Facilitation, explore lab 9 September 2009

All our thoughts, ideas, concepts and eventually designs are coming out of an creative mental process, influence by several parameters. We all are struggling with it, so it’s fruitful to find a consistent method to support successfully artifacts.

The purpose of this workshop would be to introduce fresh and different creative problem solving techniques which are already used by the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. With the main goal to inspire students, so in the end we will use them or look for other techniques that satisfy our creative mind, besides of using the conventional ones.

The workshop will have the following content. Students will be faced with one or a few problems and try to solve these problems with a number of prepared creative problem solving techniques. The duration of the workshop will be around 12 hours. Throughout this time set this day would have the following line up: In the morning there will be a creative session with techniques involving diverging, opening ours minds and souls without any kind of restrictions or limitations. In the afternoon the results from the morning session will be used for converging using different techniques. The evening session will addicted ourselves towards reflection of our daily activity, to fit it into our discipline of architecture.

From the beginning and between breaks there is also time for warm-up sessions which contribute to team building and collective creative thinking. The whole session will take place on an stimulating alienate environment, such as on a table in the middle of the Dam in Amsterdam, Rotterdam station or even on the transfer space inside Schiphol.

In this manner the students can get a clear overview of the process of creative problem solving. This will be from problem statement up to the beginning of an idea and/or even a concept. This workshop will hopefully as earlier mentioned be a great inspiration towards new and creative designs by explore lab students. It will broad out our modest knowledge about the creative design processes.

Benny Munsters; student, explore lab 9, faculty of architecture Delft
Kah Kih Yau; student, faculty industrial design, Delft

version 0.01, d.d 01092009_explore lab 9 TU Delft

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